Slučaj pacijenta starog 32 godine koji je hospitalizovan zbog empijema desnog pleuralnog prostora izazvanog multirezistentnim Pseudomonas aeruginosom, izlečenog monobactamom a kod koga zbog tromboze donje šuplje vene i leve plućne arterije hirurška intervencija i lokalna instilacija streptokinaze nije bila moguća.
Ključne reči: empijem pleure, multirezistentni Pseudomonas aeruginosa, monobactam, tromboza donje šuplje vene
This is a case report of a 32-year old male patient hospitalized due to empyema in the right pleural space caused by the multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium. As a surgery and local streptokinase instillation were contraindicated by thrombosis of the inferior vena cava and left pulmonary artery, the patient was successfully treated by monobactam.
Key words: pleural empyema, multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, monobactan, inferior vena cava thrombosis
Ass. mr. sci. med. dr Dejan Đurić,
Odeljenje opšte i septične hirurgije, Klinika za grudnu hirurgiju,
Institut za plućne bolesti, Sremska Kamenica