Hiperrektivnost ili povećana osetljivost disajnih puteva podrazumeva veću sklonost ka suženju pod uticajem inhaliranih fizikohemijskih agenasa, alergena, fizičkog napora. Ona je uzrokovana genetskim faktorima i faktorima okoline. Određivanje funkcijskih parametara ventilacije pre i posle udisanja supstanci koje dovode do promene dinamskih odnosa u disajnim putevima nazivamo farmakodinamskim testovima. U zavisnosti od udahnute materije razlikujemo bronhodilatatorne i bronhokonstriktorne testove. Indikacije za nespecifični bronhoprovokativni test su dijagnostičke, epidemiološke i kliničke. Kontraindikacije mogu biti apsolutne i relativne. Prema važećoj standardizaciji bronhoprovokativnih testova Evropskog respiratornog udruženja iz 1993. dati su protokoli za sledeće provokacione testove: farmakološki agensi, hipotone i hipertone aerosole, inhalacije sa hladnim i suvim vazduhom, provokacija opterećenjem, test sa inhalacijom alergenatest sa profesionalim agensima, eksperimentalno testiranje. Sistem za aerosol provokaciju (APS ili Aerosol Provocation System) APS je razvila nemačka kompanija Jeger, i zadnja je reč tehnike za izvođenje nespecifičnih i specifičnih bronhoprovokativnih testova. Testiranje se izvodi lakše i preciznije nego ikad ranije. Obezbeđuje visoku tačnost doziranja i efikasnost provokativne supstance. Pogodan je i za provokacije kod dece jer njima to predstavlja igru. APS može raditi samostalno ili može biti u kombinaciji sa svakim instrumentom Master Screen familije, firme Jeger. Ceo sistem Jeger APS-a je nešto potpuno novo na tržištu uređaja, i koriste ga najveće ustanove za plućne bolesti u svetu.
Ključne reči: aerosol provokacioni sistem, bronhoprovokacija, nebulizer, kompresor, softver
Hyperreactivity, or increased sensitivity of the airways implies an increased susceptibility to constriction under the influence of inhaled physical and/or chemical agents. allergens, or physical efforts. It is caused by either genetic or environmental factors. Determination of functional ventilation parameters before and after inhaling the substances which induce alterations of the dynamic relationships in the airways, is called the pharmaco-dynamic testing. Depending on the inhaled testing substance, the bronchodilation or bronchoconstriction tests are differentiated. Indications for the non-specific bronchial provocation challenge may be diagnostic, epidemiological and clinical. Contraindications may be absolute or relative. According to the current standardization of bronchial provocation tests by the European Respiratory Society of 1993, the protocols for the following provocation tests are provided: pharmacological agents, hypo- and hyper-tone aerosols, cool and dry air inhalations, provocation by exertion, allergen inhalation test, testing with occupational agents, experimental testing. The Aerosol Provocation System (APS) has been designed by the German Company Jaeger and it represents the last word of technology for non-specific and specific bronchial provocation tests. The testing is performed more easily and smoothly than ever, providing exceptional dosing accuracy and efficacy of the provocation substance. It is suitable for testing the children, as they feel it as a game. The APS may be performed solely or in combination with any of the Master Screen family instrument by Jaeger. The entire APS system is the top novelty in the world market of medical instruments, used at the most recognized pulmonary centres in the world.
Key words: aerosol provocation system, bronchial provocation, nebulizer, compressor, software