U radu su prikazani slučajevi sa dokazanim karcinomom u traheji i/ili glavnim bronhima bronhoskopijom. Odabrani su oni koji su prethodno, ambulantno, povodom dispneje lečeni medikamentozno u smislu astme ili HOBP-a. Na radiogramu grudnog koša nisu imali prepoznate infiltrativne senke. Svi su u Institut za plućne bolesti upućeni zbog pogoršanja astme ili HOBP-a. Radom smo želeli naglasiti značaj i kompleksnost dispneje kao simptoma mnogih plućnih i vanplućnih bolesti, te da ukažemo da ne znači svaka dispneja i vizing samo hronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti, pogotovu ako se simptom prvi put javi u starijoj uzrastnoj kategoriji kod pušača i kada primenjivana bronhodilatatorna terapija ne dovodi do subjektivnog i spirometrijskog poboljšanja.
Ključne reči: dispneja, karcinom u glavnim bronhima
The study included the patients with the diagnosis of lung cancer in the trachea and/or the main bronchi established on bronchoskopy, who initally received the out-patient medicamentous treatment for asthma or COPD. Their chest-X-ray finding was not presented by a noticeable infiltrative lesion. All the patients were admitted to the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases due to asthma or COPD exacerbation. The study intended to point out the significance and complexity of dyspnea as a symptom of a variety of both intra- and extra- pulmonary disorders. Neither dyspnea nor wheezing are to eb exclusively associated with COPD, especially if these symptoms develop in older-aged smokers and do not respond to the applied bronchodilatation treatment.
Key words: dyspnea, main bronchi lung cancer