U prospektivnom istraživanju obuhvaćeno je 110 bolesnika lečenih od aktivne plućne tuberkuloze i 60 zdravih osoba, dobrovoljnih davalaca krvi. Tehnikom indirektne imunofluorescencije, uz korišćenje kriostatskih isečaka pacovske jetre i kulture ćelija HEp-2 ispitivano je prisustvo antinukleusnih antitela (ANA) u serumima ispitanika tokom lečenja bolesti i posle 5 godina od završenog lečenja. Utvrđeno je da se u serumima dela bolesnika lečenih od aktivne plućne tuberkuloze mogu detektovati ANA u niskom titru, uz prisustvo tačkastog i homogenog tipa jedarne fluorescence, s tim da je dominirao tačkasti tip. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u prisustvu ANA među polovima. Prisustvo ANA u serumima ispitanika nije bilo praćeno kliničkim znacima autoimunskih bolesti. Ne može se isključiti mogućnost da je prisustvo ANA, bar delimično (pored mogućih mehanizama molekulske mimikrije i poliklonske aktivacije limfocita), posledica primene izonijazida.
Ključne reči: autoimunost, tuberkuloza, antinukleusna antitela, izonijazid
This prospective study included 110 patients treated for active pulmonary tuberculosis and the control group of 60 healthy subjects, volontary blood donors. The prescence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in the patientsž serum was examined in the course of the treatment and five years later, applying the method of indirect immunofluorescence and using cryostat sections of the rat liver and Hep-2 cell cultures. A number of examined patients were presented with the serum ANA of a low titar and the nuclear fluorescence of the dotted and homogenous pattern, the former one predominating. No statistically significant difference in the presence of ANA was registered between the sexes. The patients presented with the serum ANA did not develop the clinical symptoms of an autoimmune disease. The presence of ANA in the patientsž serum might, at least partially, be due to the applied isoniazide treatment (besides possibly included mechanisms of molecular mimicry and polyclonal lymphocyte activation).
Key words: autoimmunity, tuberculosis, antinuclear antibodies, isoniazide